Semalam... huhuhu sedey bila teringat.. :(
My Hubby keje shift mlm.... posted sblm ni de cite dia dh dpt keje barukn.. tp dia mintak tangguh masuk 1 Julai coz nak settle dlu keje lama.. so dia pon keje la mcm bese.. minggu ni dia shift mlm.. maksudnye aku tdo la sesorg... x kisah la pasal tdo sesorg tu sbb dh bese.. yg kisahnye pasal.. KAKI CRAMP!!!! sgt sakit n sedey... sbb sesorg.. penah kena sblm ni pertama kali hubby ade.. terkejut la tetiba kejang kn.. terus dia bgn picit2 kaki.. aku dh merintih kesakitan huhuhu.. penah gak kwn2 cite leg cramp ni bese masa nak masuk third trimester.. ingtkn diri ini d beri pengecualian..rupanye tidak.. (kekonon power la..)
My Hubby keje shift mlm.... posted sblm ni de cite dia dh dpt keje barukn.. tp dia mintak tangguh masuk 1 Julai coz nak settle dlu keje lama.. so dia pon keje la mcm bese.. minggu ni dia shift mlm.. maksudnye aku tdo la sesorg... x kisah la pasal tdo sesorg tu sbb dh bese.. yg kisahnye pasal.. KAKI CRAMP!!!! sgt sakit n sedey... sbb sesorg.. penah kena sblm ni pertama kali hubby ade.. terkejut la tetiba kejang kn.. terus dia bgn picit2 kaki.. aku dh merintih kesakitan huhuhu.. penah gak kwn2 cite leg cramp ni bese masa nak masuk third trimester.. ingtkn diri ini d beri pengecualian..rupanye tidak.. (kekonon power la..)
dlu2 kecik2 mmg slalu kena.. akan pekik sekuatnye smp ayah bgn... :p mcm kena histeria hahahaha.. mmg sgt sakit tp kejap je dh elok.. ayah la picit2.. masa tu ase manja ngan ayah.. skrg ayah manede sbb dok umah sndiri.. pastu skrg kena masa prgnt lak.. hubby lak xde.. sayu la ati ini.. masa lepas reda tu trus msg hubby sambil air mata berjujuran hahahaha.. weh, sakit.. jgn gelakkn ;p masa picit2 kaki sndiri tu dlm ati sempat ckp "ala.. cepat la elok.. lamanye tarik ni..." yela sbb kecik2 masa skolah slalu kena.. kejap je dh ok.. kdg2 x sempat jerit picit2 je sndiri.. tp bila prgnt ni tarik nye lbh sakit n mencabar tu yg berjujuran air mata ini d kala sesorg :D msg hubby ngadu la.. dia kata "sapu minyak la syg.... pastu kena kurgkn jln ni..." skit pon x membantu aku masa tu hahahha.. masa tu kol 4 pagi.. tp paham la dia tgh bz tu.. pastu nak cl pon nanti x dga pon dia ckp sbb bunyik mesin bising sgt.. so x reply pon msg dia.. trus sedey2 jap pastu tdo blk.. dlm ati smpt pk.. alhamdulillah la hubby pasni keje normal..
ni ade skit tips amik dr internet nak kurgkn leg cramps...
Circulation changes, extra pregnancy weight gain and your growing baby can cause pressure on muscles, nerves and blood vessels, resulting in cramps or sharp shooting pains in your legs. pregnancy
are very common especially in the third trimester and more often at night. The cause of these leg cramps is not completely clear. Some experts believe leg cramps are caused by carrying around extra weight during pregnancy while others think that the pressure of the uterus on blood vessels is the cause. Whatever the reason for leg cramps during pregnancy, they can be extremely painful. If you do find yourself stricken with one of these debilitating leg cramps, one of the following suggestions may provide some relief.
Antara salah 1 sbb aku kena cramp ni... kurg kalsium.... aku x minum susu sbb x leh nak telan.. minum organic soya n pil kalsium je.. nmpknye pasni kena telan gak la kot.. kalo x sndiri yg merana... ni blom masuk stage kaki bengkak lagi... xpe la.. berkorban n kena tahan seme2 dugaan ni demi utk baby terchenta... :D
ni ade skit tips amik dr internet nak kurgkn leg cramps...
Circulation changes, extra pregnancy weight gain and your growing baby can cause pressure on muscles, nerves and blood vessels, resulting in cramps or sharp shooting pains in your legs.
Remedy: regular exercise and massage can help keep joints supple and ward off cramps. Try to get out for a walk during the day and give your feet and calf muscles a work-out before bed by moving them in a circular motion (as you would do on a plane to avoid DVT!) Eat lots of iron/calcium-rich foods and if the pain gets really bad, try applying heat or wear some supportive tights. Drinking Indian tonic water that contains quinine can also help. (source)
Leg cramps during
Step 1
Try to immediately straighten your leg and flex your foot heel first with your toes toward your shin. This may hurt at first, but it should gradually ease the spasm. Pointing your toes downward can bring on leg cramps or make them worse.
Step 2
“Drawing” the alphabet with your foot is another way to urge the muscle to relax.
Step 3
Apply heat in the form of a heatingpad
, hot water bottle or a warm towel to the affected area.
Step 4
Massage the muscle that is cramping until the muscle loosens and begins to relax. You can do this yourself or have a partner help you.
Step 5
If you are able, walk around for a few minutes to further loosen the affected muscle.
Step 1
Try to immediately straighten your leg and flex your foot heel first with your toes toward your shin. This may hurt at first, but it should gradually ease the spasm. Pointing your toes downward can bring on leg cramps or make them worse.
Step 2
“Drawing” the alphabet with your foot is another way to urge the muscle to relax.
Step 3
Apply heat in the form of a heating

Step 4
Massage the muscle that is cramping until the muscle loosens and begins to relax. You can do this yourself or have a partner help you.
Step 5
If you are able, walk around for a few minutes to further loosen the affected muscle.
Antara salah 1 sbb aku kena cramp ni... kurg kalsium.... aku x minum susu sbb x leh nak telan.. minum organic soya n pil kalsium je.. nmpknye pasni kena telan gak la kot.. kalo x sndiri yg merana... ni blom masuk stage kaki bengkak lagi... xpe la.. berkorban n kena tahan seme2 dugaan ni demi utk baby terchenta... :D
salam..sebelom tido..sapu minyak panas kt kaki...pastu pakai stokin..lapik kusyen kt ujung kaki bg tinggi sikit kedudukannya...insya'ALLAH..xde dah masalah cramp ni...
tq cik min...
sblm tdo bila rasa mcm nak kena tu akan sapu minyak panas.. alhamdulillah xde kena dh lepas aritu :D
Great info! Thanks for sharing
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