pastu kalo ari bese mesti tanye.. "akak n abg zul x buka poser kat cni ke?? dtg la!!!" huhuhu lately makin rapat la ngan sikembar ni.. sejak kawen ni la.. ari keje payah nak dtg sbb keje kn.. sian lak kat mak.. mak pon keje kn.. pastu segan la asyik nak dtg mkn je kat sana wpon mak sndiri hehehe.. tp ayah penah ckp.. ape lak nak segan2 dtg je la dh x larat tu.. :p hubby la segan yela kalo aku pon kn hehehe..
Selasa aritu g checkup kat Klinik Zaini.. berat baby dh 2.7kg n bb sihat alhamdulillah.. kepala dia dh masuk kat laluan sbb masa doc scan nmpk dh ke dlm kepalanye.. patut la ase ngilu2 je lately.. pastu cite la ngan doc sejak poser ni sembelit.. pastu berat lak dh trun dlm 4kg.. poser agaknye tp alhamdulillah bb makin naik beratnye.. tu yg sarat je nmpk.. kdg2 ase cepat la kua huhuhu.. skrg tiap2 mgu kena dtg cek..
Cek gak kat Umra yg plan nak bersalin kat ctu tp 2 mgu skali je.. kira ksrg cek 2 tempat... mgu sblm tu g Umra jpe doc Ummul.. pastu dia buat scan 3d skali.. tgk muka baby.. dh boolat ekekek.. comel jek.. masa tu baby 2.6kg.. wah.. smgu lbh dh nak 0.1kg.. pastu tanye doc agak2nye kua dlm mesti 3kg lbh kn.. doc kata.. semestinye... sambil senyum.. wahh.. x mo besa2 sgt payah nak kua nanti syg :D seme2 ok xde masalah..Alhamdulillah...
pastu doc kata blk raya mane? melaka.. so dia kata if x bersalin lagi sblm raya.. dtg jpe dia pada 18 or 19/9 pagi utk cek.. n if xde pe dia xde halangan kalo nak blk kg.. dia kata bersalin je kat mane2 yg sempat hehehe.. n bwk buku merah g memane..
skrg ni tdo mlm x bape nak lena pastu dh ase 'Braxton Hicks' memula mcm x bape nak paham.. pastu lepas tanye ctut dia ckp x lama lagi la tu.. pastu search kat tenet baru tau.. dia nye ase.. menangkap kat bwh pinggang.. kdg2 sakit sgt.. sehari skali mesti rasa.. huhuhu kira ni pembelajaran sblm btol2 nye contraction la :D adehh... kuatkan la diri ini YA ALLAH... takut sgt2..
kat bwh ni de skit info yg dpt meh kita share sesama..

source : cni

mmg menanti saat n ketika je.. riso jek.. sbb xde pengalaman kn..
What are Braxton Hicks contractions?
Braxton Hicks contractions are sporadic uterine contractions that start about 6 weeks into your pregnancy, although you won't be able to feel them that early. You probably won't start to notice them until sometime after mid-pregnancy, if you notice them at all. (Some women don't.) They get their name from John Braxton Hicks, an English doctor who first described them in 1872.
As your pregnancy progresses, Braxton Hicks contractions tend to come somewhat more often, but until you get to your last few weeks, they'll probably remain infrequent, irregular, and essentially painless. Sometimes, though, Braxton Hicks contractions are hard to distinguish from early signs of preterm labor.
Play it safe and don't try to make the diagnosis yourself. If you haven't hit 37 weeks yet and you're having more than four contractions in an hour — or you have any other signs of preterm labor (see below) — call your caregiver immediately.
By the time you're within a couple of weeks of your due date, your contractions may get more intense and more frequent, and they may cause some discomfort. Unlike the earlier painless and sporadic Braxton Hicks contractions, which caused no obvious cervical changes, these contractions may help your cervix "ripen" — gradually soften and thin out (efface) and maybe even dilate a bit. This period is sometimes referred to as pre-labor.
How can I tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and true labor contractions?
In the days or weeks before labor, Braxton Hicks contractions may intermittently become rhythmic, relatively close together, and even painful, possibly fooling you into thinking you're in labor. But unlike true labor, during this so-called false labor the contractions don't grow consistently longer, stronger, and closer together.
What can I do if my Braxton Hicks contractions are making me uncomfortable?
If you're within a few weeks of your due date, try these measures:
• Change your activity or position. Sometimes walking provides relief. At other times, resting eases contractions. (True labor contractions, on the other hand, will persist and progress regardless of what you do.)
• Take a warm bath to help your body relax.
• Try drinking a couple of glasses of water, since these contractions can sometimes be brought on by dehydration.
• Try relaxation exercises or slow, deep breathing. This won't stop the Braxton Hicks contractions, but it may help you cope with the discomfort. (Use this opportunity to practice some of the pain-management strategies you've learned in your childbirth preparation class.)
When should I call my doctor or midwife?
Call your caregiver right away if you haven't reached 37 weeks and your contractions are becoming more frequent, rhythmic, or painful, or if you have any of these possible signs of preterm labor:
• Abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping, or more than four contractions in an hour (even if they don't hurt)
• Any vaginal bleeding or spotting
• An increase in vaginal discharge or a change in the type of discharge — if it becomes watery, mucusy, or bloody (even if it's only pink or blood-tinged)
• Increased pelvic pressure (a feeling that your baby's pushing down)
• Low back pain, especially if it's a new problem for you
If you're past 37 weeks, there's no need to call your doctor or midwife just for contractions until they last about 60 seconds each and are five minutes apart — unless your caregiver has advised you otherwise. source
Kalo 'meletop' sebelum raya x yah pening2 nak pk bju raya.. sbb mmg x prepare ape2 pon.. hubby pon sama.. kdg2 ase lain jek.. pastu smlm ckp ngan hubby ujg mgu ni kita ajak mak n adik2 g jln2 la mcm meriah je bazar aidilfitri mlm2.. sbb nak amik feel raya... :D skrg ni try nak jln byk2 katanye mudah beranak ye nanti.. harap2 mcm tu la.. tp bahagian masing2 kn.. xde la lagi dga beranak ni x sakit.. so mcm redha je la.. berikanla ku kekuatan..
pastu smlm buka umah mak.. mak kata ujg mgu ni kalo lom bersalin nak buat kuih.. aku ok jek.. seronok gak wat ramai2.. sbb tiap thn sblm kawen mmg aku la tukang menggunting kuih tart.. xde wat pe kn.. leh jek.. mlm nak ajak mak jln2 lak.. alhamdulillah hubby rajin melayan kami sekeluarga g mane2.. sporting :D masey syg.. bak kata mak.. "si kembar tu dgn zul dh mcm abg sendiri jek...abg sndiri pon dia x rapat mcm tu" hehehe.. mmg pon x abis kena sakat n d sakat..
ok la pjg lak entry ni.. yg kat dlm prot pon dr td x brenti gerak2.. skrg ni gerakan dia yg agak ganas akan menyakitkn ku huhuhu ye la dh besa kn n sempit.. abis terbonjol2 seme.. smp kdg2 terkua.. so urut2 la bg masuk blk tgn n kaki tu.. sopan skit ye anak ibu hehehe..
ke kaki n tgn pjg gak sama mcm ibu ni ekekeke.. xpe.. lelaki tgi ok pe 1 tarikan :p
7 comments: dah tak sabar nk tgk dunia tu..
baguslah dpt puasa penuh lg...
sy dah berlubang 4 harii
kite dah meletop dulu...minggu36.
harap2 awk selamat la melahirkan Iman tu.
nnt terasa nikmatnya bersalin normal..hehe
teringat waktu peknen dlu. bile bb dh ade kt lua nie, indu pulak ase mase die kat dalam. nk bawak ke mane2 pon senang :P
skang...susah skit. tp seronoknye len pulak. dpt tengok die membesar dpn mate. kalu tak tengok die membesar dlm skrin ultrasound je :P
mummy to be@julia
jgn rasa takut..insyallah ALLAH akan permudahkan...
wanita mmg istimewa
t pun dulu takut2 jugak..
yang penting mintak dipermudahkan pada NYA
tu la bb dh x saba.. tendangan maut slalu gak dia buat huhuhu
i aritu berlubg sehari sbb muntah2 cirit birit huhuhu
tahniah!!! awlnye letop.. potong q ek ekekek.. comel bb.. nanti share cite ek.. nak baca.. :D
ramai yg ckp mcm tu.. so bia je la bb lama2 kt dlm ni snang nak bwk mane2 xde nangis2 tp mak dia ni la yg sakit pinggang ekekke
i pon takut2 lagi ni tgu ari.. doakan ye..
Oh! I bersalin betul2 msuk 37weeks... take care n good luck dear!
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