Wednesday, December 23, 2009

pengalaman 2 bulan 2 minggu susukan iman

alhamdulillah sehingga ke hari ini.. dah genap iman minum susu ibu sepenuhnya 2 bulan 2 minggu.. baru je lagi.. x lama mane lagi berbanding org2 yg dh berjaya susukan anak2 dorg 2 tahun.. kira dh leh wat graduation hehehe.. seme tu pembakar smgt tu... moga2 diri ini kuat,tabah.. dan cekal.. insylh.. baru setahun jagung lagi ibu iman ni.. byk lagi kena blaja n lalui..

tp masa peringkat awl pon dh ase cabarannye.. alhamdulillah berkat sokongan dari kwn2 n hubby diri ini berjaya lalui alhamdulillah..

antara cabaran yg ku telah lalui..

1. nipple luka - sakit sgt2.. sib bek sebelah je.. masa ni bila iman menyusu aku akan mengengam tgn ku dan mengetap bibir.. dan kaki ku ibu jari akan merengkot2 huhuhu sakit nye hanya Allah yg tahu... tp ku kuatkn smgt masa tu.. sambil pndg iman.. dlm ati ckp "kesian iman.. kuat kn smgt mu ibu.. cuba tahan n kuatkn smgt demi anak mu" lama tau sakit ni dkt smgu lbh.. kdg2 terkua la gak air mata ibu ni huhuh sbb sakit sgt2.. n org yg akan sentiasa ade d sisi ialah my hubby.. dia akan usap kepalaku n ckp saba.. huhuhu masa ni ase kuat skit la diri ni :P

2. bengkak susu - wahhh.. masa ni 1st time kena.. bdn tetiba mengigill seyes x penah mcm ni.. smp hubby pon terjaga n riso mlm tu.. suhu pon tgi (sbb de termometer iman so leh la tau suhu bdn) dh slimut tebal pon still mengigill mmg x leh cite r asenye mcm ane..

3. pam letrik rosak - wahhh ni la cabaran.. terpaksa guna pam manual selama 2 mgu sb x sempat nak amik bila dh hanta repair.. tp alhamdulillah hasil tenusu ok.. lenguh gak la hehehe..

4. kena korbankn masa tdo - kena bgn dlm kol 3 atau 5 pagi pam.. ni masa dlm pantang la.. susu tgh byk so kena pam.. kalo x nanti bdn gigil lagi huhuhu.. pastu dh la masa tu pakai manual nye pam..

5. kena rajin pam n curik masa - masa g blk ganu pam dlm kete sbb iman x nk bgn.. kalo x pam n kurgkn masa pam nanti susu akan kurang sbb susu supply on demand.. so ibu iman x leh malas huhuhu

asenye tu la dlu.. yela sbb br lagikn.. pjg lagi masa nak kena lalui..

ni nak share skit.. ske ngan info ni amik dr cni tuan rumah saya amik ye.. utk d kongsi bersama.. :D

If you plan to breastfeed, make sure you:
  1. Learn a lot about breastfeeding, from the right sources. To find the right source ni agak tricky jugak. Sometimes nurse kat klinik pun taktau apa2 tentang exclusive BF (Sori ya nurse..).
  2. Make good networking with breastfeeding moms. Reading alone won’t help, unless you don’t face many problems to breastfeed during the early days.
  3. Know what to expect when you breastfeed… Sorenipples, engorgement, etc.
  4. Know where to go when you face problem. Definitely not your makcik who never breastfeed her babies. Go to LC or any friends who experienced it.
  5. Smart enough to differentiate between ‘excuses’ to not to BF and the true things those make you fail to BF.
  6. It’s from you. Say you want to BF. Not you have to BF. Don’t stressing yourself out just because your friends BF, and you don’t want to be called ‘a lousy mother’. Every mother wants to give the very best to her baby, ain’t it?

Things won’t make you fail to breastfeed:
  1. You don’t produce milk during the first few days. It is perfectly normal.
  2. You undergo c-section.
  3. You give birth to a boy (There’s a myth says that a baby boy’s mother can’t breastfeed cos the milk won’t meet the baby’s demand).
  4. You don’t have ‘urut lancar susu’.
  5. Your baby has jaundice. Breastmilk jaundice is normal, bukan sebab susu tak serasi dengan baby.
  6. You don’t produce milk during pregnancy.
  7. You didn’t do breast and nipple exercise during pregnancy.
  8. You have small breast.
  9. You have inverted, flat or small nipple.
  10. You don’t eat any lactogenic food.
  11. Your mom, sisters, makciks, bini Penghulu Kampung failed to breastfeed.
  12. Your baby cries out his lung.
Breastfeeding is
  1. Natural BUT needs effort.
  2. The best beat for your baby.
  3. Supply vs demand concept. The more the demand, the more the supply.
  4. A commitment.
  5. FOR YOU! Yes, YOU!

Breastfeeding is not…
  1. Only for this and that type of mothers.
  2. Only for lucky mothers.
  3. Only for mothers who have normal deliveries.
  4. Only for mother who claims she wants to give the best for her baby.
  5. A luck. It’s an effort.
  6. A magic potion that makes your baby a superhuman.

Are you willing to…
  1. Keep on breastfeeding despite your baby cries, wind, gets jaundice, unwell, etc.
  2. Pekakkan telinga, butakan mata on any unsolicited advise.
  3. Lose good night sleep for night feeding.
  4. Sacrifice some of your working hours to pump.
  5. Take a very good care of your food intake to ensure a high quality breastmilk.
  6. Be in deep worry when your milk supply turns haywire.
  7. Labelled as this and that, just because you wanna give the best for your baby.
  8. Fill your freezer EBM stocks.
  9. Telan anything on Earth to boost up your milk supply.
  10. Berkejar ke sana sini cari pertolongan when problem arises.
  11. Perkara yang boleh membawa depresi ialah drop in supply.
  12. Bring all your pumping gears when you go outstation.
  13. Have your blouse wet just because you forget your nursing pads.
  14. Tahan your breast bengkak when the baby is not with you and you don’t bring breastpump and you don’t know how to express by hand!
  15. Face the ouch! of cracked nipple, engorgement, biting babies, etc.
  16. Learn.
  17. Breastfeeding in public.

Do you think you’re ready to breastfeed? Think again ...

smp cni dlu sharing kali ni.. sesape yg de tips meh la share.. utk kuatkn smgt sesama kita.. mmg ase teruja kalo dpt kenal ngan mereka yg dh berjaya susukn anak 2 thn atau lbh.. n lg 1 kn.. mereka ni mmg sgt2 pemurah dr segi ilmu n pengalaman.. n ske membantu pd org2 yg baru mcm ibu iman ni.. ramai pakar laktasi ske n akan tlg org2 yg perlukn ilmu mcm ibu iman ni.. dorg bg consultation secara percuma.. coz aku slalu gak sms ngan pn. rita if de problm pasal bfeeding ni.. n dia reply.. sgt baik tau dia pon dh femes kat mjlah pa&ma..

seronok tau kalo dpt tarik org utk join da club sbb susu ibu ni sgt2 bagus.. masih x ramai lagi yg dapat pendedahan.. kalo g klinik pon 1st soklan yg akan doktor tanye "bg iman susu ape?" bila aku jwb susu ibu je.. oo x pe2.. bg iman susu ibu byk2 insylh cpt sembuh ni.. :D

lg 1 sgt2 menjimatkn.. sbb susu ibu susu free.. hehehe

1 comment:

ARIBA said...

setuju...semangat mesti kuat..;-)

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